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Procedure detail

This feature allows you to view the data of the selected procedure, including the documents related to the announcement, or related to the documents that are required to competitors. Click on "Lots" you can view the detailed information on the lots included in the procedure.
LAST UPDATE ON 05/08/2024

Section Contracting authority

UNIVERSITA' DEGLI STUDI DI MILANO - BICOCCA - Area Infrastrutture e Approvvigionamenti
Ferraresso Piero

Section General data

servizio di locazione delle fibre ottiche delle dorsali di Campus - CIG : B031A530E7
Procedura aperta
Offerta economicamente più vantaggiosa
1.200.000,00 €
1.440.000,00 €
25/03/2024 by 09:00

Subsection Deadlines before rectification

Expiration date Expiration time Adjustment operation date and time
15/03/2024 12:00 14/03/2024 14:32:31
Conclusa - Aggiudicata

Section Documentation required to competitors

Administrative envelope
  • Eventuale procura
  • Garanzia provvisoria
  • attestazione di avvenuto pagamento anac
  • patto di integrità reperibile
  • attestazione di avvenuto sopralluogo
Technical envelope

Section Communications from the contracting authority

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